Master Build

Master Build Series

Leon Sheng, graduated from Beijing Central Music Conservatory, directly trained by “The Stradivari” of the East: Zheng Quan (also the founder of Cremona Violin Inc). Later went on to Salt Lake City, Chicago, master his crafts while cooperating with some top makers in the world. Having the chance to first hand studied some of the most important works from Stradivari, Guarneri Del Gesu, Paolo Maggini, G.B. Guadagnini, and several well known modern makers. Mr.Sheng specializes in reproducing the most faithful historical copies and applying his master level graduation treatment to each different instruments. We are proud to team up with Mr.Leon for this limited run Master Build Series: each instrument is built from hand-selected European tonewood, with premium-grade Italian antique varnish. Carefully graduated and tuned plates based on the density of the wood, to draw out the most promising sound that professional players demand. A real professional-grade instrument at the price you can afford.