Master Build Deluxe Wood SE Guarneri del Gesu 1745 “Leduc” Exact Copy
Sale!Original price was: USD$2,150.00 .USD$2,050.00 Current price is: USD$2,050.00 .
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• Master Build Special Edition Guarneri del Gesu 1745 “Leduc“ violin
* Antique 1:1 copy based on the original, including the highly artistic scroll!
• Body Length: 354 mm. Upper Bout: 167 mm. Center Bout: 111 mm. Lower Bout: 204 mm. 1:1 master crafted original replica.
• Selected Swiss Spruce evenly tight grain highly flamed maple back, well seasoned over 15 yrs age.
• Classic Italian reddish brown oil varnish, varnishing material imported from Italy/Spain (ground coat).
• Deluxe boxwood fitting, ebony fingerboard. Professionally cut aubert bridge and old spruce sound post, Larsen strings.
Audio file:
A DEEP, powerful “Leduc” del Gesu exact copy, with full projection and dark ringing tone ! This special edition master build featuring hand selected, aged European tone wood ( Swiss spruce ) and fine attention to detailed workmanship ( even the scroll! ) to reproduce the original Leduc Guarneri as faithful as possible. Premium Italian varnish and old wood ground coat. Detail antiqued based on the original “Leduc” with highly artistic taste, faithfully recapturing the look of a 200 plus years old (but well preserved) violin. Faithfully copies the long pattern f hole and bold body pattern as the original.
A true performance level violin with complete range and superb projection with depth! Bold projective sonorous sound with deep texture, rich overtone rings! Great depth yet still open and responsive in mid to lower register, sweet and focus A and E. Truely a superb del Gesu master work with both great top and lower end. Full and highly responsive projection, a ready to perform violin that needs little break in time. Suitable for advanced to pro players.